Tuesday, May 31, 2011

When I log in the screen resolution changes to low bit how do fix it so it will not change the screen at all?

When I log in my screen messes up and my computer become slow because some screen setting changes my color to low bit and it needs to be on high bit.When I log in the screen resolution changes to low bit how do fix it so it will not change the screen at all?
I suggest a fresh install of Yahoo! Messenger. First, a fresh install will ensure you have the latest build of Yahoo! Messenger. Also, a reinstall will write over any Messenger files that may have become corrupt and causing this resolution issue. There are two versions of Yahoo! Messenger available. Yahoo! just launched Yahoo! Messenger version 8.0, which includes plug-ins and integration of Yahoo! 360 integration. For version 8, just go to http://messenger.yahoo.com, click on the 楪et it Now?button, and follow the installation process. If you are not ready for the beta, just click on the 楪et version 7.5?link located directly under the 楪et it Now?button to get the current version, version 7.5.When I log in the screen resolution changes to low bit how do fix it so it will not change the screen at all?
The first thing to try is to re-install Yahoo! Messenger.

Click the Start menu, Control Panels and open Add/Remove Programs. Remove Yahoo! Messenger, then install a fresh copy of the most recent version from http://messenger.yahoo.com

If that doesn't work, try clicking ';Change Skin...'; in the Messenger menu and choose ';Classic';.

Finally if all else fails, you could go back to and older version of Messenger:


Or use a different program like Trillian or Meebo:


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