Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Screen resolution changes when trying to play game?

I have recently installed a game (Oregon Trail 5) for my children. Every time I hit play I get an error report and my screen resolution changes (extra large). I can easily fix it, but if I try to play the game again it does the same thing. Why does it do this? How can I fix it?Screen resolution changes when trying to play game?
See the link below for troubleshooting your game Oregon Trail 5. See link below.

Also, be sure you have the most current video drivers for your computer. Depending on the video card you may need to uninstall your current driver, and then shut down the computer, turn it back and install the new drivers.

Be sure to download the latest drivers before you perform the above procedure.

Enjoy your game!Screen resolution changes when trying to play game?
mm. I'm not really sure but i think it might be a configuration of the resolution in your television's menu or it might also be that your cable box has a function to auto set the resolution for different channels, i used to have the same problem. If you have many things connected to your TV including a cable box, then maybe calling to have some one to fix it might be a good option.
The game may only display in that resolution. A lot of older games display best in a lower resolution. I'm not exactly how to fix it, but that's why it keeps on changing!

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